This article continues the history of the donations and memorials in the Sanctuary.

The “Eternal Light” which hangs in the corner above the choir area was donated by Edna Schreiber in memory of her husband in 1963.

The choir chairs that have been used since the 2010 renovation of the Sanctuary were donated in honor of the choir director, Anne Quirin.

In 1974 the pews were purchased from Overholtzer Church Furniture, Inc., Modesto, California.  Various individuals in the church contributed to the purchase, and plaques on the pews indicate the donor information.  The seating in the Sanctuary has changed over the years.  The original seating was chairs, which were replaced by theater seats.  A few of these were previously located in the entrance to Thurber Hall.  They were donated to PCUMC by a church in Willcox that had obtained them from a theater in California.  The two seats removed from the Thurber Hall entrance are now in the loft area of Thurber Hall if you want to see them.  Try to imagine sitting in them during the service.

The beautiful baptismal font in the front of the Sanctuary was donated to the church anonymously in 2015.

The original organ was likely purchased in 1963 by several members of the congregation in memory of Rev. Daniel Miller, former pastor (1951–1952).  The current electronic organ was donated by William and Muriel Zuchike of Sonoita in 1989.

The acoustic piano in Thurber Hall was donated by former church member Biff Lamma and her daughter in 2003.  The Yamaha Clavinova electronic piano in the Sanctuary was purchased with generous contributions by several members, as well as with money from the Sanctuary Fund established in memory of member Naomi Lenon in 2011.  The Clavinova was purchased from Hachenberg & Sons Piano Co. in Tucson for $4,200.

The various hymnals used over the years during worship were purchased by the Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS) in 1967–1968.  (The WSCS was replaced by the Missions Committee in 1983.)  Various individuals then purchased the United Methodist Hymnals in honor/memory of individuals in 1986, and additional hymnals were purchased with funds from memorials for Anita Iceman, Ruth Barth, and Barb Tyler in 2007.  Additional Bibles and hand fans were also purchased from those funds.  The original Bibles were purchased by the WSCS.

For many, many years the flooring in the Sanctuary was cement.  In 1974, Red Barwick-brand carpeting was purchased from Behrens’ Drapery Nook in Tucson with funds from the WSCS.  That carpeting was replaced in 2010, using money donated to the “Raise the Roof Fund” that enabled numerous, much-needed improvements to the Sanctuary.

The counter in the Narthex was donated by Leota Gatlin in 1963.  And finally, not to be missed is the reproduction “Last Supper,” located on a table in the back of the Sanctuary.  This unique work of art was created in hand-tooled leather by Bill Swyers in memory of his mother, Colette Swyers, in 1963. (Please see the plaque.)

In February, the topic of donations/memorials will continue with the stained-glass windows as well as some items that are not located in the Sanctuary.  Stay tuned!