About Us

Our desire is to Welcome People of all Ages and Stages of life

to Experience the Love of God

through knowing God’s son, Jesus Christ

and with the Guiding Power of the Holy Spirit

                                                   We seek to accomplish this by:

                                                                 • Worshipping together

                                                                         • Educating through Christian studies and Spiritual Exploration in Small Groups

                                                                  *Children’s Sunday School and VBS ministries

Praying Together through our Prayer Ministries – Requests can be sent to the church email or by calling the church office

Engaging in Outreach and Mission Projects

Making Disciples to share the Gospel’s Good News 

 *Building Healthy Bonds between the Members of our Community through Hosting Community Events

  We meet for worship on Sundays at 10:00 am in our sanctuary

                Followship follows the in-person worship service in Thurber Hall

Dress is casual at our activities, including worship.

Please join us for our ongoing Spiritual Roundtable discussion group on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm via Zoom